Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hello there! I have rediscovered my blog. Since I already have several followers on here this is going to be my blog about my daily family life. My other blog will be about homeschooling.

It's been quite a while since I've posted but I am going to try my best to get back started on this. I am 31 now and my children are 7, 5, and 2! Wow! Time flies while you're having fun! Since my youngest is 2 and quite independent too, I have so much more time for blogging so come back often and check it out. :) Until next time...blessings to you and yours!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

It's December and I can't believe it. A lot has went on since the last time I posted. For one, I got a laptop! I love having a laptop and I can blog wherever and whenever I want. We had a nice Thanksgiving at my sister's home. My sister, mom, S, and I went shopping on Black Friday. I got a big chunk of my list knocked out. My husband was on vacation from the day before Thanksgiving to just yesterday. His first day back at work is today. He painted S's room while home. We had a family reunion and I saw some people I haven't seen in a while. DH finished up painting S's room. This Thursday S will turn 4. I can't believe she will be 4. I am expecting a digital camera via UPS today. I bought it from DH's cousin's wife. We have become pretty close friends. We've went up to their home for the last 4 or 5 Thanksgivings and stayed a few days with them. We also went to their son's birthday parties for a few years before our children came along. We just couldn't get up there after that. We had fun the few times we were able to make it though. They've always been so welcoming to us and made us feel at home there. For that I am thankful because otherwise we'd have been staying in a motel. Anyways the camera will be here today and I was able to buy it from her for a fraction of the price I was looking at buying them from the internet. She didn't use this camera because I think she just couldn't figure out all of the options it had. But that is just a blessing for me because I get it at a fraction of the cost!!! God is good!!!

Well it is almost time to go get S from school. We will venture to the Christian bookstore to look at possible gifts for my parents. Then we will go to Wal-Mart for a few things.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Good Afternoon. We've had quite a nice week this week. Right now Caleb is in the bed and I am sitting here wasting time on the computer. I think i could probably take a nap. Monday through Wednesday were pretty much routine days. Thursday N had half day of school. S and C always have 1/2 days so I had to work it out so that I got S and C earlier and then go straight to N's school and get him. I took all three kids to my mom's and we ate lunch there. I came back to N's school for P/T conference. His teacher is so sweet and I am so happy that he got changed at the beginning of the year. She could not be a better fit for him. Anyways we had a nice little conversation there. He is doing great in school. He got good ratings on his report card so I am so happy about that. We got home about an hour after DH did last night. S went straight to bed. She was asleep so I didn't even change her out of her clothes. Caleb was overtired last night so he didn't go to sleep until around 9:30 however, he slept all night. Today we have just hung out. I cooked a nice breakfast this morning. DH is out working on his car and the kids are in and out. It's very hot outside so the kids are wanting to stay inside and I can't say I blame them. They are watching TV right now because I want them to be quiet while C is asleep. Tomorrow we plan to go bowling with my parents, my sister and her husband, and my granny. Afterwards we'll go out to eat dinner. I'm not sure what we're doing in the morning. We'll probably just hang out here at the house again. Okay this is all for now. I hope to be posting more often on here than I am now. I hope to get a laptop soon so that I can post nightly about the daily happenings. Until next time, Be Blessed!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Good Morning! Two of the three kids are home with me today. S and C ran a low grade fever last night and so I kept them home this morning since I am not feeling well and I wanted to stay in today. It was the day for both of them to go to school and it's my major day to clean but so far I have done nothing. This is fine though because I have all day to work on this. Everything was slow going this morning because I am not used to having S and C with me here at home all day long. S goes to school 5 days a week from 8-12 as previously mentioned. This is different for me. She is a very demanding little girl and wants what she wants when she wants it. If I object, then she throws fits. She is doing better on this because I have implemented a system that pays them coins if they are good and if they are bad, then they get a coin taken away. They always get a quarter at the end of the day. They may have had 2 or 3 taken away during the day but I always give them one before they go to bed unless they give me trouble on going to bed. I also give them dimes and nickels for doing chores. They get a dime if they do it on their own without me having to ask and thy get a nickel if I ask them to do it and they do.

Well I need to get up from here because C is napping. I need to get some cleaning done. I am limited in what I can do though because of him napping. I do my vacuuming on Thursdays too.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday Afternoon 9/30/09

Today has been a regular Wednesday. I've not done as much cleaning as usual. I've figured out that my children are only little once. I don't remember back in my childhood whether my mom kept the house clean or not. That tells me that mine probably won't remember that either. What they will remember is whether I had time for them or not. I don't believe in a nasty house or a disorganized house at that and mine is far from that. I am finally at a point in my life that my two older children help me out when it comes to picking up behind themselves and I am so proud of them for that. Also, it helps me out tremendously. They do get quarters for having a tidy room at the end of the day. They also get dimes and nickels for things that they done without me having to ask them such as picking up the living room after C may have made a mess. He is right at 13 months old so he or course doesn't understand picking up after himself. At the moment I am waiting for N to get off the bus. S and C are at the table eating their snack and N's is sitting there waiting on him. I've been feeling dizzy for about 30 minutes so I am going to get in the recliner and take it easy for a bit. I've been sitting there but this dizziness doesn't seem to pass. It's now 6:22PM and I've been feeling dizzy, lightheaded, and the room is spinning on and off since 3PM! I've been on the phone with my mom. She is coming over in a bit after she gets a shower. Perhaps I need to get off here and do what I can to get things at least situated for when she gets here so that I can rest and hopefully the dizziness and all will pass.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday Morning September 29, 2009

This morning went wonderfully because we laid out our clothes last night. C woke up with a yucky nose and I was able to suction most of it out. I let him go to MMO this morning reluctantly. He cried when they got him out of the car but it was short lived. I am now back at home by myself. I will get started on my cleaning that I need to get done this morning. I am working on my control journal re-organizing things in it. My granny is coming over at some point today. It will probably be later morning time. I am in the mood of thanksgiving this morning for some reason. I keep getting reminded of how blessed I am. I was talking to my granny last night on the phone and the kids constantly needed something from me. My granny told me that she was so proud of me because I was just meeting their needs and not complaining one bit. I replied "How in the world can I complain? I am so blessed to have three children. There are some women who can't have children or whose children have graduated to being angels very early in life." Now don't get me wrong! It gets really hectic and the demand on me gets really frustrating at times because my kids can be a little on the spoiled side but GOODNESS I am blessed. I am blessed because I have an awesome husband that never complains about having to work his butt off to provide for his family. I have a family who are supportive of me even though there are some differences in opinion. In the end, they love me unconditionally. There are so many people out there whose families are not involved. Maybe it is their choice for the parents to not be involved but I would never CHOOSE for my family to not be involved with my kids. They love them so much that I don't think I could ever take that away from them. I am also thankful that God always provides us with everything we need. We may barely make it financially one week but GLORY TO GOD He always provides. We never go hungry and we have always had a roof over our heads. PRAISE THE LORD! My children are healthy. My DH and I are healthy! We have a wonderful church to go to and fellowship with the people there. We have awesome friends there. Grant it we do not get together outside of church. We all have such busy lives but it feels good to be able to go to church and know there are friends who support you and are going through similar things with their kids and marriages and such. I am just so thankful.

So I thank you Jesus for everything you have done for me, everything you are doing for me, and everything that you are going to do for me. I am blessed coming in, blessed now, and blessed going out! I am done for now. I will be back to blog about my day later this evening.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday September 28, 2009

Wow! It is almost October 2009! I cannot believe it. My oldest is well established in Kindergarten now. My only daughter is in the 3 year old program at preschool and my baby is 1 year old and he attends MMO twice a week. We just celebrated his 1st birthday on September 7th. I will call him C because I do not want to be really specific with names here. C is the first letter of his name thus the C in the title of this blog. My daughter will be referred to as S and my oldest son will be referred to as N.
C and I went to toddler storytime this morning for the first time and he had fun. It only lasted 30 minutes as toddlers attention spans are very short. Afterwards we checked out a few books. We then rode over and got me a BBQ sandwich. Normally early mornings are his naptime as he is up around 6:30 or 7AM. We were waiting to pick up S from preschool so we had to kill 1 1/2 hours of time. It is almost time for N to get off the bus. S and I made brownies and they are in the kitchen cooling at the moment. She is having fits for them as she did not eat a whole lot of lunch.

I guess I will come back later and blog some more. Maybe after all the kids are in the bed tonight. The only thing is.....S normally sleeps in here in the office but I am thinking about putting her bed in my room while DH is out of town for the week. That way I can get on the computer when I want.

This blog is a bit scatter brained so I will come back and have to organize it moreso. Tarot mom and Hope has inspired me to start blogging!